Fig. 1
A 45-year-old male patient sustained intra-articular calcaneus fracture by fall down from 2 meter height.
(A) Intraoperative photograph shows extensile lateral approach.
(B) Preoperative X-ray shows joint depression type intra-articular calcaneal fracture with negative Böhler angle.
(C) Preoperative semicoronal CT scan shows Sanders IIA calcaneal fracture.
(D) Postoperative X-ray shows restoration of Böhler angle and stable fixation.
Fig. 2
Correlation of Böhler angle at initial and postoperative six months. The immediate postoperative Böhler angle was maintained to postoperative six months.
preop: Preoperative Böhler angle (broken line), patient: Each patient was ordered according to the degree of Böhler angle, difference: Between imediate postoperative state and postoperative six months in Böhler angle (solid line).
Fig. 3A 40-year-old-male patient was treated using a F-plate. Postoperative 20 months X-ray shows breakage of plate but metal breakage did not affect any change in Böhler angle.
Table 1The relationship between Sanders type and Maryland foot score (Spearman Correlation coefficients)
Table 2The relationship between age and Maryland foot score (Chi-Square test)
Table 3The relationship between initial Böhler angle and Maryland foot score (Fisher's Exact test)
Table 4The relationship between financial compensation and Maryland foot score (Fisher's Exact test)