All papers, including those invited by the Editor, are subject to peer review. Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by two accredited experts in the musculoskeletal trauma care with one additional review by prominent member of our Editorial Board. The editor is responsible for the final decision whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected.
• The journal uses a double-blind peer-review process: the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and vice versa. During the peer-review process, reviewers may interact directly or exchange information (e.g., via submission systems or email) only with the editor, which is known as "independent review."
• JMT’s average turnaround time from submission to decision is 4 weeks.
• Decision letter will be sent to corresponding author via registered email. Reviewers can request authors to revise the content. The corresponding author must indicate the modifications made in their item-by-item response to the reviewers’ comments. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within 4 weeks of the editorial decision is regarded as a withdrawal.
• The editorial committee has the right to revise the manuscript without the authors’ consent unless the revision substantially affects the original content.
• After review, the Editorial Board determines whether the manuscript will be accepted for publication. Once rejected, the manuscript does not undergo another round of review.
• All articles in JMT include the dates of submission, revision, acceptance, and publication on their article page. No information about the review process or editorial decision process is published on the article page.