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Review Article
Scaphoid Fractures and Nonunion
Jin Rok Oh, M.D., Ph.D.
Journal of the Korean Fracture Society 2016;29(1):79-92.
Published online: January 19, 2016

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea.

Address reprint requests to: Jin Rok Oh, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, 20 Ilsan-ro, Wonju 26426, Korea. Tel: 82-33-741-1356, Fax: 82-33-746-7326, E-mail:

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  • Fracture of scaphoid is relatively common, and accurate and prompt diagnosis leads to bony union with good clinical outcome. However, it can be easily missed due to vague symptomatic complaints by patients, which in turn leads to negligence of a doctor in making the diagnosis or anatomical shape of scaphoid that causes minute fracture to be ignored while viewing simple radiography. When missed, nonunion of scaphoid gradually progresses to arthritic change in the wrist. Thus when fracture of the scaphoid is suspected, further evaluation should be initiated with care, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, a proper treatment plan must be set with assessment of stability of the fracture fragment. Internal fixation is usually proposed since solid fixation of the fracture provides early return to daily activity. When nonunion of the scaphoid is present, most patients can achieve bony union with avascular bone graft and internal fixation. However, if there is sclerotic change, large bone cyst or avascular necrosis of the fracture fragment, internal fixation with bone graft that includes vascular supply should be introduced in order to achieve bony union.
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Fig. 1

Computed tomography (CT) scan is a very useful diagnostic tool in detection of scaphoid fracture. In a plain X-ray of the wrist, a scaphoid fracture is suspected (white arrow head). CT scan shows cortical breakage in the scaphoid volar aspect (white arrow) and an occult fracture in the hamate hook base (black arrow). In below line photos, the fractures of scaphoid and hamate are fixed with a headless compression screw and a 2 mm screw, respectively, using the dorsal percutaneous technique.

Fig. 2

Percutaneous headless compression screw fixation using a palmar approach. There are two techniques in percutaneous headless screw fixation using a volar approach; one is the central method which requires rongeuring the volar side of the trapezium for centralization of distal insertion screw (upper photo line), the other is the oblique method in which screw fixation starts obliquely in order to avoid injury to trapezium (lower photo line).

Fig. 3

Surgical procedures for 1,2 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (1,2-ICSRA) pedicled bone graft (courtesy of Prof. Jong Woong Park). (A) Incision. (B) 1,2-ICSRA identification. (C) Identification of the fracture site. (D) Making a slot for the bone graft. (E) 1,2-ICSRA pedicled bone fragment harvesting. (F) Insertion of bone graft and fixation.

Fig. 4

1,2 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (1,2-ICSRA) pedicled bone graft (courtesy of Prof. Seok Hwan Song). (A) Scaphoid nonunion with atrophic change of the proximal fragment. (B) Postoperative X-ray showing focal radiolucency on the distal radius by donor bone harvesting (arrow). (C) Last follow-up X-ray showing complete union of scaphoid.

Fig. 5

Surgical procedures for medial femoral condyle free vascularized bone graft (courtesy of Prof. Jong Woong Park). (A) Skin incision. (B) Identification of the descending genicular artery (in photo, m: muscle, a: artery). (C, D) Pedicled donor bone harvesting. (E) Recipient incision line. (F) Finding and dissecting radial artery and vein for anastomosis. (G) Finding nonunion site and curettage of fibrotic tissue. (H) Removing cystic and sclerotic portion of both ends with a saw. (I, J) Harvested donor bone trimming according to the defect and inserted into the gap. (K) Graft insetting and fixation with a headless screw. (L) End-to-side anastomosis with radial artery and end-to-end anastomosis with venae comitantes or cephalic vein.

Fig. 6

Medial femoral condyle free vascularized bone graft (courtesy of Prof. Jong Woong Park). (A) Scaphoid nonunion with failed 1,2 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (1,2-ICSRA) vascularized bone graft. (B) Computed tomography (CT) scan showing cystic change, sclerosis and avascular necrosis suspected in the proximal fragment. (C) Wrist lateral view showing dorsal intercalated segmental instability. (D) CT scan showing scaphoid humpback deformity (arrow). (E, F) Postopreative 10 weeks, the X-ray showing successful scaphoid union with scaphoid length restored and humpback deformity corrected.

Table 1

Clinical Tests in Diagnosis of Scaphoid Fractures1112131415)

Clinical test Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Effusion 50 91
Tenderness on scaphoid tubercle 87 57
Snuff box tenderness 90 40
Scaphoid compression test 94 92
Combined 100 74
Table 2

Next Evaluation in Case of the Highly Suspected Patient with a Negative Simple X-Ray

Item Finding Describing
Short arm thumb spica splint, after 2 weeks, rechecking simple Xrays16) Bone resorption or early callus formation adjacent to the fracture site Low cost, possible time wasting
High-resolution ultrasound17,18) Cortical step-off, cortical interruption, radiocarpal effusion, scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal joint effusion Sensitivity 78%, specificity 89%, relatively low cost, early detection
Bone scan19,20) Hot uptake Sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%, useful in multiple fracture-patient and unconsciousness patient
Computed tomography21,22) The better diagnostic performance in reformations along the long axis of the scaphoid than the planes of the wrist Very effective in detection for nondisplaced scaphoid fractures, useful in evaluation for scaphoid union or eformation or scaphoid nonunion status
Magnetic resonance imaging23,24) Acute fracture, normal or decreased signal in T1 and increased signal in T2; nonunion or avascular necrosis, decreased signal in T1 and T2 Sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%, useful in detection for ligament injuries or other concomitant injuries
Table 3

Criteria for Unstable Scaphoid Fracture (by Cooney)

Item Criteria
Displacement or step-off >1 mm
Angular displacement >10°
Comminuted fracture
Scapholunate angle >60°
Radiolunate angle >15°
Intra-scaphoid angle in wrist postero-anterior view >40°
Intra-scaphoid angle in wrist lateral view >30°

Data from the article of Haisman et al. (J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:2750-2758).31)

Table 4

Comparison of Surgical Approach

Comparison point Volar approach Dorsal approach
Scaphoid circulation preserving Superior Inferior
Applicable fracture sites Fractures in scaphoid waist and distal, humpback deformity correction Fracture in scaphoid proximal
Screw fixation along scaphoid long axis center Relatively difficult (partial removal of trapezium volar portion) Easy
Radiocarpal ligament injury Yes No

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        Scaphoid Fractures and Nonunion
        J Korean Fract Soc. 2016;29(1):79-92.   Published online January 31, 2016
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      Scaphoid Fractures and Nonunion
      Image Image Image Image Image Image
      Fig. 1 Computed tomography (CT) scan is a very useful diagnostic tool in detection of scaphoid fracture. In a plain X-ray of the wrist, a scaphoid fracture is suspected (white arrow head). CT scan shows cortical breakage in the scaphoid volar aspect (white arrow) and an occult fracture in the hamate hook base (black arrow). In below line photos, the fractures of scaphoid and hamate are fixed with a headless compression screw and a 2 mm screw, respectively, using the dorsal percutaneous technique.
      Fig. 2 Percutaneous headless compression screw fixation using a palmar approach. There are two techniques in percutaneous headless screw fixation using a volar approach; one is the central method which requires rongeuring the volar side of the trapezium for centralization of distal insertion screw (upper photo line), the other is the oblique method in which screw fixation starts obliquely in order to avoid injury to trapezium (lower photo line).
      Fig. 3 Surgical procedures for 1,2 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (1,2-ICSRA) pedicled bone graft (courtesy of Prof. Jong Woong Park). (A) Incision. (B) 1,2-ICSRA identification. (C) Identification of the fracture site. (D) Making a slot for the bone graft. (E) 1,2-ICSRA pedicled bone fragment harvesting. (F) Insertion of bone graft and fixation.
      Fig. 4 1,2 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (1,2-ICSRA) pedicled bone graft (courtesy of Prof. Seok Hwan Song). (A) Scaphoid nonunion with atrophic change of the proximal fragment. (B) Postoperative X-ray showing focal radiolucency on the distal radius by donor bone harvesting (arrow). (C) Last follow-up X-ray showing complete union of scaphoid.
      Fig. 5 Surgical procedures for medial femoral condyle free vascularized bone graft (courtesy of Prof. Jong Woong Park). (A) Skin incision. (B) Identification of the descending genicular artery (in photo, m: muscle, a: artery). (C, D) Pedicled donor bone harvesting. (E) Recipient incision line. (F) Finding and dissecting radial artery and vein for anastomosis. (G) Finding nonunion site and curettage of fibrotic tissue. (H) Removing cystic and sclerotic portion of both ends with a saw. (I, J) Harvested donor bone trimming according to the defect and inserted into the gap. (K) Graft insetting and fixation with a headless screw. (L) End-to-side anastomosis with radial artery and end-to-end anastomosis with venae comitantes or cephalic vein.
      Fig. 6 Medial femoral condyle free vascularized bone graft (courtesy of Prof. Jong Woong Park). (A) Scaphoid nonunion with failed 1,2 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (1,2-ICSRA) vascularized bone graft. (B) Computed tomography (CT) scan showing cystic change, sclerosis and avascular necrosis suspected in the proximal fragment. (C) Wrist lateral view showing dorsal intercalated segmental instability. (D) CT scan showing scaphoid humpback deformity (arrow). (E, F) Postopreative 10 weeks, the X-ray showing successful scaphoid union with scaphoid length restored and humpback deformity corrected.
      Scaphoid Fractures and Nonunion

      Clinical Tests in Diagnosis of Scaphoid Fractures1112131415)

      Clinical test Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
      Effusion 50 91
      Tenderness on scaphoid tubercle 87 57
      Snuff box tenderness 90 40
      Scaphoid compression test 94 92
      Combined 100 74

      Next Evaluation in Case of the Highly Suspected Patient with a Negative Simple X-Ray

      Item Finding Describing
      Short arm thumb spica splint, after 2 weeks, rechecking simple Xrays16) Bone resorption or early callus formation adjacent to the fracture site Low cost, possible time wasting
      High-resolution ultrasound17,18) Cortical step-off, cortical interruption, radiocarpal effusion, scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal joint effusion Sensitivity 78%, specificity 89%, relatively low cost, early detection
      Bone scan19,20) Hot uptake Sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%, useful in multiple fracture-patient and unconsciousness patient
      Computed tomography21,22) The better diagnostic performance in reformations along the long axis of the scaphoid than the planes of the wrist Very effective in detection for nondisplaced scaphoid fractures, useful in evaluation for scaphoid union or eformation or scaphoid nonunion status
      Magnetic resonance imaging23,24) Acute fracture, normal or decreased signal in T1 and increased signal in T2; nonunion or avascular necrosis, decreased signal in T1 and T2 Sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%, useful in detection for ligament injuries or other concomitant injuries

      Criteria for Unstable Scaphoid Fracture (by Cooney)

      Item Criteria
      Displacement or step-off >1 mm
      Angular displacement >10°
      Comminuted fracture
      Scapholunate angle >60°
      Radiolunate angle >15°
      Intra-scaphoid angle in wrist postero-anterior view >40°
      Intra-scaphoid angle in wrist lateral view >30°

      Data from the article of Haisman et al. (J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:2750-2758).31)

      Comparison of Surgical Approach

      Comparison point Volar approach Dorsal approach
      Scaphoid circulation preserving Superior Inferior
      Applicable fracture sites Fractures in scaphoid waist and distal, humpback deformity correction Fracture in scaphoid proximal
      Screw fixation along scaphoid long axis center Relatively difficult (partial removal of trapezium volar portion) Easy
      Radiocarpal ligament injury Yes No
      Table 1 Clinical Tests in Diagnosis of Scaphoid Fractures1112131415)

      Table 2 Next Evaluation in Case of the Highly Suspected Patient with a Negative Simple X-Ray

      Table 3 Criteria for Unstable Scaphoid Fracture (by Cooney)

      Data from the article of Haisman et al. (J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:2750-2758).31)

      Table 4 Comparison of Surgical Approach

      J Musculoskelet Trauma : Journal of Musculoskeletal Trauma
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