Fig. 1Left knee antero-posterior and lateral view show a comminuted avulsion fracture of the fibular head.
Fig. 2Coronal section of magnetic resonance imaging shows lateral collateral ligament rupture.
Fig. 3Three months after operation, radiographs show complete bone union.
Fig. 4Intraoperative photograph shows the avulsion fracture of the fibular head and lateral collateral ligament injury. The blue: comminuted avulsion fracture of the proximal fibula. The red: avulsed and stretched lateral collateral ligament. The yellow: common peroneal nerve.
Fig. 5The lateral collateral ligament was sutured using a non-absorbable suture with Baseball whipstitch technique. The blue: comminuted avulsion fracture of the proximal fibula. The red: avulsed and stretched lateral collateral ligament. The yellow: common peroneal nerve. The white: non absorbable suture (#5 ethibond).
Fig. 6Reduction and internal fixation of the fibular head fracture and collateral ligament.