Fig. 1
(A) Preoperative radiograph shows subtrochanteric fracture of left femur: Hypertrophy of the lateral cortex and transverse fracture with medial beak were noticed.
(B) Postoperative radiograph after the initial operation: inadequate reduction status with flexion deformity at the fracture site.
Fig. 2Nonunion and hardware failure developed at seven months after the operation.
Fig. 3Intraoperative radiographs from image intensifier; after removing of the proximal portion of broken nail, bulb-tipped guide wire was introduced (arrow).
Fig. 4Intraoperative radiographs from image intensifier; after removing distal interlocking screws a 10 mm length no. 3 Kirschiner wire was introduced into the distal interlocking hole and further pushed with a no 3. Steinmann pin. An arrow indicates the tip of a bulb-tipped guide wire.
Fig. 5Intraoperative radiographs from image intensifier; bulb-tipped guide wire was gently pulled out until the bulb abutted and locked with the K-wire at the distal interlocking hole, then exchange IM nailing was done.