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12 "Kwang Soon Song"
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Review Article
Lateral Condylar Fracture of the Humerus in Children: Is the Closed Pinning Saticfactory?
Kwang Soon Song
J Korean Fract Soc 2012;25(2):163-168.   Published online April 30, 2012
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  • Diagnosis, management and complications of distal humerus lateral condyle fractures in children
    Daniel A Shaerf, Ivor S Vanhegan, Rupen Dattani
    Shoulder & Elbow.2018; 10(2): 114.     CrossRef
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Lateral Condylar Fracture of the Humerus in Children: An Epidemiological Analysis of 158 Cases
Chul Hyun Cho, Kwang Soon Song, Sung Won Sohn, Ki Chul Bae, Jung Hoon Lee
J Korean Fract Soc 2006;19(4):466-470.   Published online October 31, 2006
To analyze the correlation of various factors by examining the epidemiology of lateral condylar fracture of the humerus which is the second most fracture among elbow fractures in children.
Of 158 cases treated for lateral condylar fracture of the humerus in children from April 1996 to March 2006, their age and sex distribution, the seasonal frequency, etiology, type of fracture, method of treatment, etc. were analyzed retrospectively.
Boys were 113 cases, girls were 45 cases, and the mean age was 5.4 years. Regarding the seasonal occurrence, spring 43 cases, summer 44 cases, autumn 48 cases, and winter 23 cases had occurred. It occurred preferentially during the season when outdoor activity was most active. As its etiology, the accident in a playground was 39 cases, sports activity was 32 cases, traffic accident was 17 cases, slipping accident at home was 15 cases, falling accident at home was 14 cases, slip while playing with friends was 6 cases, a missing step while walking on stairs was 6 cases, fall from a height more than 2 floors was 4 cases, and the cases with unknown cause were 25 cases. According to the Jakob stage, the stage I was 42 cases, the stage II 77 cases, and the stage III was 39 cases. As treatment, cast immobilization was performed in 34 cases, closed reduction and percutaneous K-wire fixation was performed in 68 cases, and open reduction and K-wire fixation was performed in 56 cases. The prevalent causalities were play devices, accident during sports activity, and traffic accident, and in such cases, the displacement of fracture was severe and thus surgical treatments were performed in many cases (94%).
It is thought that during the season when outdoor action is active, particularly, for kindergarten children or the lower grade primary school children, safety education is required to prevent the fracture by play devices, sports activity and traffic accident.


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  • The Pattern of Occurrence of Fractures in Children and Adolescents and Its Managements Based on the Database of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service
    Yong-Wook Kwon, Soon-Hyuck Lee, Hyun-Woo Kim, Jin-Ho Hwang
    Journal of the Korean Fracture Society.2014; 27(4): 308.     CrossRef
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Treatment of the Segmental Fractures of Tibia with Ilizarov External Fixation
Kwang Soon Song, Chul Hyung Kang, Byung Woo Min, Si Hyun Jeon, Ki Chul Bae, In Kyu Kim
J Korean Fract Soc 2004;17(1):25-31.   Published online January 31, 2004
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To emphasis an effectiveness of the Ilizarov circular external fixator in treatment of the complicated segmental fractures of the tibia MATERIALS AND METHODS: We had analyzed 15 cases in 14 persons, treated from November 1993 to March 2000. We analyzed several considering factors including age, etiology, type of fracture, number of the segmentation, associated injuries, open or closed fracture, healing time, additional bone graft, clinical results and complications.
The mean period of follow up was 22 months. The mean age was 45 years. The etiology was traffic accident in 13 persons. Open fracture were 11 cases (73%). Associated injuries were noted in 8 persons (53%). The number of segmentation were three segments in 9 cases (60%) and four segments in 6 cases (40%). Additional manipulations after first application were needed in 10 cases (67%). Bone graft were performed in 5 fracture site (9.8%), proximal fracture site in two and distal in two, middle in one. Mean period of application of external fixator for healing was 8.1 Months. Procedures for soft tissue injuries performed in 3 cases including two split thickness skin graft and distant flap surgery. The results were graded as excellent in 5 cases, good in 2 cases, fair in 1 cases, poor in 7 cases. Limitation of motion in ankle joint was major cause of poor results CONCLUSION: We considered that ilizarov circular external fixator is one of effective treatment modality in treatment of the complicated segmental tibia fractures.
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The Radiologic Evaluation of Treatment Outcome in Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture by Open Reduction without Bone Graft
Kwang Soon Song, Si Hyun Jeon, Jae Hong Chun
J Korean Soc Fract 2002;15(2):226-233.   Published online April 30, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of bone graft use in the treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures.
We analysed retrospectively 40 displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures, which had undergone open reduction and internal fixation without bone graft from June 1989 to July 1998. Radiological assessments were made from the lateral view of the affected calcaneus, recording the Bohler angle, the Gissane angle and ratio of height/width of the calcaneus. Matching criteria included Essex-Lopresti classification, method of fixation, age, and sex.
The mean preoperative Bohler angle was -7 degrees(standard deviation [S D ] 1 8 degrees), postoperative Bohler angle was 21 degrees(SD 7 degrees), last follow-up Bohler angle was 1 9 degrees(SD 7 degrees). Bohler angle increased a mean 28 degrees(maximum 70 degrees, minimum 2 degrees). The preoperative Gissane angle was 104 degrees(SD 17.87 degrees), postoperative Gissane angle was 1 0 6 . 2 degrees(SD 10.07 degrees), last follow-up Gissane angle was 104.48 degrees(SD 10.1 degrees). The preoperative ratio of height/width of the calcaneus was 0.568(SD 0.076), postoperative ratio was 0.637(SD 0.037), last follow-up ratio was 0.648(SD 0.038). There was no significant differences in fracture pattern, method of fixation, age, and sex(P>0.05).
The result of this study showed that there was no significant change in serial radiologic evaluation. Bone graft was not served to the effectiveness or security in the treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures.


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  • Open Reduction and Internal Fixation with AO Calcaneal Plate for Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture
    Myung Jin Lee, Sung Keun Sohn, Kyu Yeol Lee, Sung Soo Kim, Min Soo Kang, Hyeon Jun Kim, Sang Kyu Sun
    Journal of the Korean Fracture Society.2010; 23(3): 303.     CrossRef
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Surgical Treatment for Displaced Talus Fracture-Dislocation
Kwang Soon Song, Chul Hyung Kang, Seong Ryeol Kim
J Korean Soc Fract 1998;11(4):906-911.   Published online October 31, 1998
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Talus fracture is an uncommon fracture and frequently accompanied with serious complications such as avascular necrosis, nonunion and osteoarthritis. The purpose of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of open reduction and internal fixation in treatment of displaced talus fracture. Fourteen patients with severely displaced talus fracture-dislocation, classified as more severe than Hawkins type III and comminuted body fracture were evaluated. They were treated at Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center during the period of July 1989 to August 1996. The average period for follow up was 53 months, ranging from 18 months to 8 years. All patients were treated by open reduction and internal fixation using screws except 2 cases of severe talar body fractures, which were treated by Blair fusion. according to Hawkins scoring system. the end results were excellent only in 4 cases, good in 2, fair in 5, poor in 3. Avascular necrosis developed in 3 cases and traumatic arthritis in 5 cases. In conclusion, displaced talus fracture-dislocation had a high incidence of postoperative complications(57%) in spite of early sugical treatment. It is essential to consider about possible complications and sequelae before operation is performed.
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Cable Fixation Method for Displaced Acetabular Fracture
Chang Soo Kang, Byung Woo Min, Kwang Soon Song, Chul Hyung Kang, Jong Wan Park
J Korean Soc Fract 1996;9(3):574-582.   Published online July 31, 1996
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The operative treatment of displaced acetabular fracture has become the preferred method than conservative treatment. Displaced acetabular fracture occurs primarily in young adult involved in high energy trauma and it can lead to some degree of permanent disability. The aim of treatment must be the restoration of hip function which require accurate anatomical reduction and firm fixation followed by early exercise. The complicated anatomy of the region, and unsatisfactory fixation to cancellous bone, and unnecessary wide dissection of the soft tissue for plate and screw fixation contribute to clinical end results of varying success. The wire loop which was previously reported by our department as a successful method of fixation has now been developed to cable fixation that can be easily adjusted to the irregular surface of acetabulum and get more firm fixation. A clinical analysis was performed on 14 patients with displaced unstable acetabular fracture who had been fixed by cable and followed for minimum 1 year period at our department from June 1993 to June 1994. The results were follows; 1. According to Letournels classification, there were most common(9 cases:64.4%) in both column fracture, 3 cases(21.4%) in T shaped fracture, 1 case(7.1%) in transverse fracture, and 1 case(7.1%) in transverse and posterior wall fracture. 2. The satisfactory result was achieved in 12 cases(85.7%) on clinical grade and 12 cases(85.7%) on radiographic grade according to Epstein criteria. 3. The complication were developed in 3 cases(21.4%) out of 14 cases, such as posttraumatic arthritis in 2 cases and transient sciatic nerve palsy in 1 case. 4. Cable fixation provides a more secure and easy fixation and require a narrower exposure than a plate fixation.


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  • Cerclage Clamping Using Cerclage Passer for Reduction of Anterior and Posterior Column Fracture
    Ki Chul Park, Hyun Joong Cho, Hun Chul Kim, Kyung-Sik Min, Hae Won Jeong
    Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association.2016; 51(6): 486.     CrossRef
  • Cerclage Wiring in Internal Fixation of Displaced Acetabular Fractures
    Chong-Kwan Kim, Jin-Woo Jin, Jong-Ho Yoon, Sung-Won Jung, Jung-Wook Peang
    Journal of the Korean Fracture Society.2008; 21(2): 95.     CrossRef
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Operative treatment of the Unstable Pelvic Bone Fracture
Byung Woo Min, Kwang Soon Song, Chul Hyung Kang, Young Soo Kim
J Korean Soc Fract 1996;9(3):518-524.   Published online July 31, 1996
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Unstable pelvic bone fracture caused by high-energy trauma that can result in life-threatening situations in which intrapelvic hemorrhage and neurovascular injury. Long-term complications are frequently present, such as leg length discrepancy, gait disturbance and chronic low-back pain. Recently it is principle that it is mandatory to restore the anatomy of pelvic ring structure and to fixistably by means of internal fixation or extemal fixation for successful outcome after unstable pelvicring injury. 26 cases of unstable pelvic bone fracture were treated operatively at the authors hospital between 1992 and 1994. We analyse the clinical and the radiological result. The following results were obtained. 1. The incidence of the unstable pelvic bone fracture was 26 cases(18.4%) of all pelvic bone fractures(141 cases). 2. By the classification of modified Tile, type B1 were 8 cases, type B2(3 cases). type C1(7 cases) and type C3(8 cases). 3. Associated organ injury were found most commonly in the acetabular fracture(8 cases), and other extremity fracture(8 cases), genitourinary system(6 cases) and hemopenitoneum(4 cases). 4. The specific fracture pattern was classified according to various anatomical locations such as transsymphysis(7 cases), transpubic(7 cases), combination of the trassymphysis and traspubic(1 cases), trassacroiliac(7 cases), transiliac(9 cases), transsacral(1 case) and sacroiliac fracture dis location(1 case). 5. According to the fracture location, following methods of stabilization were applied. For the ante rior portion of pelvic ring, plates(13 cases), external fixators(3 cases) and wirings(3 cases) were used. For the posterior portion of pelvic ring, plates(9 cases), percutaneous iliosacral screws(3 cases) and lag screw(1 case) were used. 6. The results revealed as excellent in 20 cases, good in 5 case and fair in 1 case. 7. Postoperative complications were fixation failure(2 cases), metal failure(1 case) and nerve injury(1 case).


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  • Surgical Treatment of Malunion and Nonunion after Pelvic Bone Fracture
    Byung-Woo Min, Kyung-Jae Lee
    Journal of the Korean Fracture Society.2015; 28(4): 266.     CrossRef
  • Clinical Results of Surgical Treatment of Acetabular Fractures according to Quality of Reduction
    Sang-Hong Lee, Min-Kyu Shin, Sueng-Hwan Jo
    The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association.2007; 42(2): 153.     CrossRef
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Operative Treatment for Comminuted Fractures of the Proximal Humerus Using T-plate
Young Sik Pyun, Chang Soo Kang, Kwang Soon Song, Chul Hyung Kang, Byung Woo Min, Jin Soo Hwang
J Korean Soc Fract 1995;8(4):878-884.   Published online October 31, 1995
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The shoulder is especially susceptible to stiffness following injury because of the formation of adhesions. Early mobilization prior to maturation of adhesions around the joint gliding surface is, therefore, an essential step in the management of the proximal humerus comminuted fractures. Our aims were accurate reduction and stable fixation to allow early mobilization and to achieve full functional recovery. During the eight-year period from January 1986 to June 1994,51 cases patients were treated surgically for comminuted fractures of the proximal part of the humerus by T-plate at our hospital. The results were summarized as follows; 1. There were 17 cases of the two-part fractures, 31 cases of the three-part fractures and 3 cases of the four-part fractures following to Neers classification. 2. The most common cause of injury was road traffic accident(34 cases). 3. The excellent or satisfactory results were seen 82% of the two-part fractures and 81% of the three-part fractures, whereas 67% of the four-part fractures. 4. The most frequent complication of comminuted fractures were motion limitation and pain(5 cases), delayed union(2 cases), plate bending(1 case) and infection(1 case) but avascular necrosis of the humeral head, non-union, myositis ossificans and plate breakage had not been developed in these cases. 5. T-plate was one of the good internal fixation devices for surgical treatment of the comminuted fractures of the proximal humerus.
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Treatment of Open Fracture of Tibial Shaft with Non-reamed Interlocking Nailing
Byung Woo Min, Kwang Soon Song, Chearl Hyung Kang, Ki Weon Park
J Korean Soc Fract 1995;8(4):841-847.   Published online October 31, 1995
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Intramedullary nailing for the treatment of a fractured tibia has proven its value not only through rigid fixation but also early joint motion and weight bearing which promote more rapid bony union and functional recovery. Recently reaming intramedullary nailing technique leaves the problems of destroying the endosteal blood supply, which associated with delayed union and postoperative infection. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results and the complications of nonreamed interlocking intramedullary nailing in the treatment of open tibial fractures. The authors reviewed 20 cases of open fractures of tibial shaft that were treated with nonreamed interlocking intramedullary nailing from May 1993 to July 1994 The follow up period ranged from 12 to 26 months. The results were summariBed as follows. 1. The average period of radiologic union was obtatined in 21.2 weeks. 2. Complications include 1 case of delayed union and 1 case of postoperative infection in Type III open tibial fracture. Locking screw broke in 1 case of Type I open tibial fracture. 3. According to the criteria of functional results by Klemm and Borner, 18 cases(90%) showed excellent results.
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Surgical Treatment of Non-Union of the Carpal Scaphoid by Modified Matti-Russe Technique
Chearl Hyoung Kang, Chang Soo Kang, Young Sik Pyun, Kwang Soon Song, Byung Woo Min, Yo Han Choi
J Korean Soc Fract 1994;7(2):538-544.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Although 90% of fresh carpal scaphoid fracture heals with adequate treatment, the rate of non-union is higher in untreated or misdiagnosed at the time of injury leading to carpal collapse and degenerative arthritis. We have treated these non-unions by modified Matti-Russe technique and all cases showed uneventful healing, but range of motion of the wrist joint decreased in some cases. We studied 18 patients of non-union of the carpal scaphoid treated modified Matti-Russe technique from November,1988 to December, 1992 and the results were as follows: 1. Among the 18 patients, the ratio of male and female was 16:2, and mean age was 23.0 years old. 2. Dominant hand was involved in 14 cases. 3. The fracture was most commonly situated at the waist of the scaphoid. 4. Bony union was obtained in all cases and the average time to radiological union was 18.0 weeks. 5. According to Maudsleys assessment, the results revealed as 7 cases of excellent, 9 cases of good and 2 cases of fair.
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Surgical Treatment for Posterior Fracture-Dislocations of the Hip with Fracture of Acetabulum
Byung Woo Min, Chang Soo Kang, Young Sik Pyun, Kwang Soon Song, Chul Hyung Kang, Sang Hak Lee
J Korean Soc Fract 1994;7(2):530-537.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Thirty-one posterior fracture-dislocations of hip with fracture of acetabulum were followed from 6 months to 84 months(average, 23.3 months). The patientsages ranged from 19 to 58 years(average, 35.4 years). All had primary attempt at closed reduction with subsequent open reduction. Satisfactory results were obtained in 87% of all patients. Complications included partial sciatic nerve palsy(1 case), myositis ossificans(2 cases), osteoarthritis(3 case), recurrent dislocation(1 case) and infections(2 cases). This survey was undertaken to assess the results of a certain method of treament, and in the hope of contributing further information on this subject.


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  • Complications in Patients with Acetabular Fractures Treated Surgically
    Byung Woo Min, Kyung-Jae Lee
    Journal of the Korean Fracture Society.2008; 21(4): 341.     CrossRef
  • Surgical Treatment of Posterior Wall Fractures of the Acetabulum
    Young-Soo Byun, Se-Ang Chang, Young-Ho Cho, Dae-Hee Hwang, Sung-Rak Lee, Sang-Hee Kim
    Journal of the Korean Fracture Society.2007; 20(2): 123.     CrossRef
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Silicone Rubber Replacement of the Severely Fractured Radial Head
Byung Woo Min, Chang Soo Kang, Young Sik Pyun, Kwang Soon Song, Young Wook Ha
J Korean Soc Fract 1994;7(1):43-48.   Published online May 31, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
The best method of treatment for displaced comminuted fractures of the radial head is still controversial. Early excision of the fractured radial head has been favored by a number of authors. but problems such as chronic pain in the elbow, forearm or wrist, restricted movement of the elbow, late subluxation of the distal radio-ulnar joint can ensue. So prosthetic replacement of the radial head had been advocated either for acute treatment of a fracture or for delayed treatment, when conservative treatment has failed. We analyzed 10 patients with comminuted radial head fracture treated by silastic prosthesls replacement shortly after injury from Jan. 1988 to Dec. 1992. The results were as follows. 1. Age distribution at operation was varied from 19 to 57 year with the average at 40.9 year. 2. The average time interval between initial radial head fracture and silastic prosthetic replacement was about 10 days(range 4 days to 18 days). 3. 6 patients(60%) were free of elbow, pain 2 patients(20%) had intermittent mild pain especially at night and 2 patients(20%) had mild pain only after heavy work. 4. All patients were free of wrist pain 5. There was no patient of breaking or tilting of prosthesis radiologically. 6. Overall assessment showed excellent in 4 patients(40%), good in 4 patients(40%) and poor in 2 patients(20%).
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J Musculoskelet Trauma : Journal of Musculoskeletal Trauma
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