The authors report a clinical experience of 12 cases having comminuted patellar fracture who were treated with modified tension band wiring or partial patellectomy from January 1985 to Oecember 1989 at the department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hallym University Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital.
The results were as follows
1. All cases caused by direct blow.
2. Mean immobilization period was 5 weeks in modified tension band wiring, mean immobilixation was 3.3 weeks in partial patellectomy.
3. Range of motion of knee joint was 3-123 in modified tension band wiring, range of motion of knee joint was 5" -110" in partial patellectomy.
4. Quadriceps muscle weakness was developed in all of 2 cases of partial fatellectomy.
5. Extension lag of knee joint was developed in 1 case of partial patellectomy.
6. The result of modified tension band wiring was much better than partial patellectomy in comminuted patellar fracture.