Complete dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint is not a common jnjury. But there are many methods of treating for complete separation of acromioclavicular joint.
From February, 1988 to March, 1989 at Soonshunyang university hospital, 14 pateints with complete acromioclavicular separation(Allmans type3) had been treated sugically by coraco-clavicular wiring.
The results are follows.
1) The most common cause of injury is fraffic accident.
2) Ages in peak incidence are 3rd and 4th decades.
3) The shoulder pain and the limitation of external rotation, which are well known problem of transacromioclavicular fixation cant be found and the functional result were excellent in 12 cases good in 1 case and fair 1 case
4) We consider that over reduction and anatomical reduction of acromioclavicular joint may be prevent complications and obtain excellent results.
5) We can Prevent the anterior displacement of clvicle from the acromion and bony erosion by passing the wire loop through the drill hole on the center of clavicle which direction is from superior to inferior portion.