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J Musculoskelet Trauma : Journal of Musculoskeletal Trauma



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1 "Chang Sub Lee"
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AMRI Study of Associated Soft Tissue Injury in Tibial Plateau Fractures
Jang Suk Choi, Young Chang Kim, Sung Suk Seo, Ki Chan Ahn, Chang Sub Lee, Jae Sang Choi
J Korean Soc Fract 2000;13(3):501-506.   Published online July 31, 2000
AbstractAbstract PDF
Tibial plateau fractures can occur concomitent with injuries to the collateral, cruciate ligament and mensci. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the frequency of soft tissue injuries associated with tibial plateau fractures and analyze the pattern of fracture more accurately by magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). Thirty one plateau fractures were evaluated in this study. MRI was more accurate in determining the classification of the fracture and measuring the displacement and depression of fragment. There was a 71%(22 of 31) frequency of associated soft tissue injuries in this series of tibial plateau fractures. The medial collateral ligaments were injured in 32.3%(10 of 31), the anterior cruciate ligaments in 29%(9 of 31), the posterior cruciated ligament in 22.5%(7 of 31), the lateral collateral ligament in 19.4%(6 of 31), and the menisci in 39%(12of 31). Schatzker type II and IV fracture patterns were associated with the highest frequency of soft tissure injuries. Medial collateral ligament injuries were most commonly associated with Schatzker type II fracture patterns. Menisci were most commonly injured with Schazker type IV fracture patterns. Most of the patients with acute tibial plateau fracture were commonly associated with ligamentous and meniscal injuries. MRI can aid in accurate evaluation of tibial plateau fracture patterns and decision of treatement plan.
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J Musculoskelet Trauma : Journal of Musculoskeletal Trauma
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