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Cable Fixation Method for Displaced Acetabular Fracture
Chang Soo Kang, Byung Woo Min, Kwang Soon Song, Chul Hyung Kang, Jong Wan Park
J Korean Soc Fract 1996;9(3):574-582.   Published online July 31, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
The operative treatment of displaced acetabular fracture has become the preferred method than conservative treatment. Displaced acetabular fracture occurs primarily in young adult involved in high energy trauma and it can lead to some degree of permanent disability. The aim of treatment must be the restoration of hip function which require accurate anatomical reduction and firm fixation followed by early exercise. The complicated anatomy of the region, and unsatisfactory fixation to cancellous bone, and unnecessary wide dissection of the soft tissue for plate and screw fixation contribute to clinical end results of varying success. The wire loop which was previously reported by our department as a successful method of fixation has now been developed to cable fixation that can be easily adjusted to the irregular surface of acetabulum and get more firm fixation. A clinical analysis was performed on 14 patients with displaced unstable acetabular fracture who had been fixed by cable and followed for minimum 1 year period at our department from June 1993 to June 1994. The results were follows; 1. According to Letournels classification, there were most common(9 cases:64.4%) in both column fracture, 3 cases(21.4%) in T shaped fracture, 1 case(7.1%) in transverse fracture, and 1 case(7.1%) in transverse and posterior wall fracture. 2. The satisfactory result was achieved in 12 cases(85.7%) on clinical grade and 12 cases(85.7%) on radiographic grade according to Epstein criteria. 3. The complication were developed in 3 cases(21.4%) out of 14 cases, such as posttraumatic arthritis in 2 cases and transient sciatic nerve palsy in 1 case. 4. Cable fixation provides a more secure and easy fixation and require a narrower exposure than a plate fixation.


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